We are experts in divorce for men, and that is why we ‘wrote the book’ on Divorce For Men: Men’s Divorce Bootcamp: Getting you Into Divorce-Winning Shape.
We are experts in divorce for men, and that is why we ‘wrote the book’ on Divorce For Men: Men’s Divorce Bootcamp: Getting you Into Divorce-Winning Shape.
If you have the supreme misfortune of divorcing a high-drama spouse, you need certain strategies to get you through divorce (and beyond) with your sanity in tact. But before we delve into those tips, let’s get specific about what makes someone a high-conflict personality (HCP), and not just someone who’s temporarily making poor choices due to a difficult situation.
Since many divorce articles are written for a female audience, we want to level the playing field. Read on for top divorce tips geared for men.
If you’re on the receiving end of these crazy-making behaviors, you’re probably wondering how you’ll ever be able to co-parent effectively. There are ways to raise children with a high-conflict ex, but it requires learning skills and applying strategies.